Technical Work

  • Data reduction for ALMA and APEX data
  • Quality Assessment
  • Data combinaation
  • Self-calibration
  • creation of data management data base



  • Compact source identification
  • CMF
  • Minimum Spanning Tree
  • Cluster properties
    • mass segragation
    • Size, mass densities
    • Shape (spherical, following filaments)


  • Extraction and Classification of sources toward compact sources (PCA, Machine Learning)
    • Determine classes
    • analyze average spectrum of classes, determine evolutionary stage
    • analyze variation within classes
    • compare with similar analysis of chemical models
  • Determination of physical parameter (XCLASS), Classification based on that
  • Identification of infall and outflow candidates - PCA line shapes
  • Identification of disk candidates - ML shape identification
  • check extended emission (filaments, hubs)
  • search for outflows, feedback, statistics
  • cluster dynamics (velocity dispersion)


  • Preparation of tools for production runs (source and spectra extraction etc.) using existing data sets
  • Literature search: radio, optical, IR counterparts
  • large scale connection: Sedigism, Hi-GAL, ATLASGAL
  • comparison with MHD calculations
  • correlation of cluster properties with Environment (Galactocentric distance, spiral arm or interarm...)



  • VLA
    • Feb 1 6 cm (A-array)
    • Aug 1 3.6 cm (1.3 cm), Water Masers (do we really want NH3)?
  • ATCA Deadline Dec 15
  • ALMA
    • ACA small mosaics to link to larger scales
    • high resolution for disks
    • polarization